Because Great Ideas Don't Schedule Meetings 💡
A Week of Voxer: Where lightbulb moments meet expert guidance, exactly when inspiration strikes
Picture this: You're pushing your cart down the grocery store aisle when suddenly – BAM! – that perfect solution hits you. You know, the one you've been wrestling with for weeks? But instead of just letting it float away like shower thoughts usually do, you grab your phone, hit record, and share it with me right then and there.
By the time you're unpacking your groceries, you've got my take on your idea, three ways to make it even better, and the confidence to know if it's worth pursuing. That's the magic of a Week of Voxer – business strategy that fits your brain and your life.
Why This Format Just Works…
↳ Perfect for ADHD Brains
No need to save your thoughts for a scheduled call or remember them until next week. Capture ideas the moment they strike, in whatever format feels natural – voice notes, quick texts, or stream-of-consciousness brainstorms.
↳ Ideas Need Space to Breathe
Sometimes the best insights come after you've stepped away. Share an idea, let it marinate while you live your life, then come back to find fresh perspectives waiting for you.
↳ Real Life Compatible
Walking the dog? Folding laundry? Perfect time for a strategy session! Voice messages mean you can multitask your way to clarity without being tied to a desk.
↳Think, Process, Respond
No pressure to have instant answers or perfectly formed thoughts. Take time to process, reflect, and circle back when you've had your "shower thoughts" moment.

What Magic Can We Create Together?
The Agency Builder
"I know I need to stop doing everything myself, but HOW?" Send me voice notes while you review your task list, and let's identify exactly what to delegate first. By Friday, you'll have your agency roadmap ready to roll.
The Launch Navigator
Walking the dog when you realize your launch sequence feels off? Let's workshop it right there on the trail. By the time you're home, you'll have a revised plan ready to implement.
The Offer Alchemist
That spark of an idea you got while making coffee? Record it, send it over, and let's transform it into your next profitable offering before the caffeine wears off.
The Tech Streamliner
Frustrated with your current systems? Record a voice note walking me through your process, and I'll help you identify the tech stack that actually works for your business.

The Not-So-Fine Print
(Because We Keep It Real Here)
Your thoughts → My brain: Send messages whenever inspiration strikes. I'll respond at least twice daily (Monday-Friday), turning your ideas into action plans.
The rhythm: Some days you might send 10 messages as you're working through something big. Other days, you might just need one quick gut-check. It's all good! This is your space to think out loud and get the support you need.
The vibe: Think of it as having a business bestie in your pocket – one who happens to be really good at strategy and won't judge you for voice noting from the Target parking lot.
Your Investment: $897
A full week of "OMG, I need to run this by you" moments, breakthrough ideas, and strategy support that works the way your brain does.
Let's Make Some Magic Together