EPISODE 60 | How She Beat Burnout with Renee Reese

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Earlier this season, we had someone come on and talk about burnout. You may be wondering why we are talking about it again, and that’s because I think it is under-talked about in the online space especially. It’s kind of a badge of honor to hustle and grind, which is not the way I like to run my business and neither does my guest today, Renee Reese of the Intuitive CEO. She is a business coach who helps people create successful businesses on their own terms, without the burnout and craziness of building an online business. I’m excited to talk about burnout again and to hear Renee’s perspective and advice on the subject. 

We talk about:

  • How she knew that she was burned out the first time - how it felt and what she did to deal with it

  • Whether she just let her previous business go when she was ready to move on, or if she had a process to closing it

  • How she prevents burnout from happening again in her current business

  • Her advice on how to get started if you want to make a huge pivot in your business due to feeling burned out and not wanting to do it anymore

  • About her Vision Formula Guide that she’s sharing with you: Grab Your Free Download Renee’s Vision Formula Guide!

About Renee Reese

Renee Reese created her first online business, a law firm for creatives and entrepreneurs, while sleeping on her friend’s couch, and replaced the income she received at her last job within a few months. Although she found financial success and even began living her dream as a digital nomad, she found that her success wasn’t sustainable and she was building a business she didn’t find any joy in. She ended up burnt out, broke, unfulfilled, and had a deep desire to build something that was both profitable sustainable, and aligned for her.

She took a risk, walked away from her thriving business to start coaching and speaking and it is her personal mission to teach as many people as possible just how powerful they are and equip them with practical tools for success. She founded The Intuitive CEO™️ to help entrepreneurs create sustainable success on their terms.

Check Renee Out Online: Facebook | Facebook Group | Instagram


EPISODE 61 | How She Designed Her CEO Day with Cadri Cunningham


EPISODE 59 | How She Hired Smartly with Stephenie Zamora